9 Fredericksburg Yoga Center Classes to Try

peaceful yoga practice

In Virginia, there is one yoga center in Fredericksburg. The next closest center devoted wholly to yoga is located near Fredericksburg, which is the Affinity Yoga in Stafford, Virginia.

Classes at the Yoga Center in Fredericksburg

In Fredericksburg, the Healing Arts and Yoga studio is devoted to yoga and surrounding practices, such as meditation. This studio has a wide range of classes and workshops, and all teachers are certified and registered, or on the brink of becoming certified and registered. Currently, the studio offers the following yoga classes:

  • Yoga I: Basic yoga class for beginners that should be taken slowly and methodically. It is recommended that students study at this level for approximately four eight-week sessions before moving on to a more advanced level. The basics of asana are introduced, and focus lies on getting the postures right in order to provide a strong foundation for future yoga study.
  • Yoga I/II: A transitionary class between the beginners' class and a truly more advanced yoga class.
  • Yoga II/III: A more advanced yoga class where more difficult postures are added to the repertory, and new focus lies on breathing techniques.
  • Yoga III/IV: At this level, bringing together asana and pranayama is the goal. In addition, the most advanced poses may be included in the class, depending on the teacher and students.
  • Wakeup Yoga II/III: An invigorating yoga practice on Saturday mornings that can transform your weekend by clearing your head and energizing you.
  • Meditation: This class focuses on pranayama instead of asana, and through these breathing exercises, the experience of yoga is enhanced, as well as one's experience of daily life. Meditation principles and history are discussed as well, making for an enlightening class. Currently scheduled on Friday evenings, this class is also a great way to transition from the week into the weekend.
  • Fusion: This blend of yoga, pilates, dancing, and even weightlifting is designed for a fun experience that produces maximal benefits. Getting the physique you want need neither be boring nor painful!
  • Family Yoga: For children and their caregivers, this class helps all participants not only develop strength and balance, but also have a lot of fun together. In addition, working together can enhance a family's bond.
  • Restorative Yoga: This class is ideal for anyone recovering from injury or illness, or who experiences chronic pain. The class brings together yoga, physical therapy, relaxation and rehabilitation techniques to help your body recover both physical and spiritual strength. The teachers at Healing Arts also recommend this class for anyone simply looking to release a lot of tension.

In addition to the standard yoga classes, workshops are offered regularly, the topics of which range from "The Laws of Attraction" to "First Aid with Homeopathic Techniques". There are also opportunities for yoga parties, such as children's birthday parties, bridal showers, or similar functions. For workshop schedules, check the Healing Arts and Yoga website for an overview of dates, topics, and prices; for private parties, contact the studio at 540-371-4555.

Yoga in Fredericksburg

The yoga center in Fredericksburg features certified teachers and a variety of classes. Studying yoga in Fredericksburg can begin with a single phone call and provide years of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

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9 Fredericksburg Yoga Center Classes to Try